We're here for you:


01603 442059


Opening hours

Term Time

Breakfast Club

7:45am - 9am

After School Club

3pm - 6pm

School Holiday's

Holiday Club

7:45am - 6pm


Open 50 weeks a year


For children aged 3 to their 12th Birthday


Please also use our contact form.


Chapel Break OSC CIC

Chapel Break Village Hall





Registration Number


OfSTEd phone number

0300 123 1231

Child protection Concerns?

Our Senior Lead Practitioner for Safeguarding Children is:

Sara Harrison

The Named Deputy is:

Lorraine Foster

Telephone CADS

0344 800 8021


Chapel Break OSC CIC Company number

Registred with Companies House

from 25th March 2011

Company Number


Chapel Break OSC CIC
Chapel Break OSC CIC

Big Norfolk HAF programme

We are part of the Big Norfolk Family.


During the Easter, Christmas and Summer holidays, we are able to offer a free playschme for children in reception class through to and Including year 7.


The playscheme runs 4 days a week from 10am to 2pm and includes a free lunch.


This service is free to those families who are eligible to means-tested free school meals, due to the benefits etc which families are in receipt of.  In order to book you need to ask your child's school for their eligibility code.

What do the Children do

The children join in with our holiday club service and get to take part in a range of sports, arts and crafts, cooking and many more activities as well as access to all of our play equipment and resources.  All of which is supported by our team of experienced and qualified staff.

How to book

To book, firstly get you code from your child's school and then complete the forms below, one set per child please, and then email them or hand them into us here at the centre.

HAF registration form.docx
Microsoft Word document [25.8 KB]
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