We're here for you:


01603 442059


Opening hours

Term Time

Breakfast Club

7:45am - 9am

After School Club

3pm - 6pm

School Holiday's

Holiday Club

7:45am - 6pm


Open 50 weeks a year


For children aged 3 to their 12th Birthday


Please also use our contact form.


Chapel Break OSC CIC

Chapel Break Village Hall





Registration Number


OfSTEd phone number

0300 123 1231

Child protection Concerns?

Our Senior Lead Practitioner for Safeguarding Children is:

Sara Harrison

The Named Deputy is:

Lorraine Foster

Telephone CADS

0344 800 8021


Chapel Break OSC CIC Company number

Registred with Companies House

from 25th March 2011

Company Number


Chapel Break OSC CIC
Chapel Break OSC CIC

Policies and Statements

As with any busy and sucsessful out of school club we have clear polcies which we work to, some are lengthy and indepth and others short and to the point, by reading these hopefully, you will get some understanding of how we work and run our services.


The following policies come under the broad heading of Safeguarding children, they may need to be refered to in conjuction with our policies.

Our Services
Our Services 2024.doc
Microsoft Word document [40.5 KB]
Children's Rights & Entilements Policy
2 Childrens rights and entitlements 2018[...]
Microsoft Word document [39.5 KB]
Safe Guarding children and child protection
3 Safeguarding Children, young people an[...]
Microsoft Word document [95.5 KB]
Looked after children policy
4 Looked After Children 2018.doc
Microsoft Word document [50.5 KB]
Information sharing and data protection
5 information sharing 2018.doc
Microsoft Word document [56.0 KB]
Confidentiality and Client access to records
7 Confidentiality and Client Access to R[...]
Microsoft Word document [59.5 KB]
Childrens records
10 childrens records 2018.doc
Microsoft Word document [43.5 KB]
Providers records
11 provider records 2018.doc
Microsoft Word document [34.0 KB]
Children's Arrival & Departure policy
6 Children arrival departure policy 201[...]
Microsoft Word document [52.0 KB]
Missing Child Policy
8 Missing Child 2018.doc
Microsoft Word document [58.5 KB]
Supervision of children on outings
9 Supervision of Children on Outings 201[...]
Microsoft Word document [42.0 KB]
Maintaining children's safety and security on Premises
10 Maintaining Childrens Safety and Secu[...]
Microsoft Word document [36.0 KB]
Making a complaint
11 Making a Complaint 2018.doc
Microsoft Word document [55.5 KB]
Service Complaints Form.doc
Microsoft Word document [42.0 KB]
Whistleblowing policy
12 Whistle Blowing Policy 2018.docx
Microsoft Word document [21.0 KB]
Online safety
13 online safety 2018.doc
Microsoft Word document [57.5 KB]
Physical Contact
15 Physical Contact 2018.docx
Microsoft Word document [17.3 KB]
baby Sitting policy
14 Babysitting Policy 2018.docx
Microsoft Word document [14.8 KB]

Equality of Opportunity

The following policies come under the broad heading of Equality of Opportunity, they may need to be refered to in conjuction with our policies.

valuing diversity and promoting equality
1.1 Valuing Diversity and Promoting incl[...]
Microsoft Word document [56.5 KB]
British Values
1.5 British values 2018.docx
Microsoft Word document [19.4 KB]
Supporting Children with special educational needs
1.2 Supporting Children with SEN 2018.do[...]
Microsoft Word document [50.0 KB]
Promoting positive Behavour
1.3 Promoting Positive Behaviour 2018.do[...]
Microsoft Word document [51.0 KB]

Health and Hygiene

The following policies come under the broad heading of Health and Hygiene, they may need to be refered to in conjuction with our policies.

health & Hygiene policy
2.1 Health hygiene policy 2018.doc
Microsoft Word document [27.0 KB]
Animals in the setting
2.2 Animals in the Setting 2018.doc
Microsoft Word document [37.0 KB]
Administering medicines
2.3 Administering Medicines 2018.doc
Microsoft Word document [60.5 KB]
Managing children who are sick, infectious or with & allergies
2.4 Managing Children who are Sick Infec[...]
Microsoft Word document [71.0 KB]
Nappy Changing Policy
2.5 Nappy Changing 2018.doc
Microsoft Word document [31.5 KB]
No Smoking, Drugs & Alcohol Policy
2.6 No Smoking, drusg and alcohol 2018.d[...]
Microsoft Word document [31.5 KB]
Food and Drink Policy
2.7 Food and Drink 2018.doc
Microsoft Word document [49.0 KB]
First Aid policy
2.8 First Aid 2018.doc
Microsoft Word document [48.0 KB]


The following policies come under the broad heading of Employment, they may need to be refered to in conjuction with our policies.

1.1 Staffing 2018.doc
Microsoft Word document [52.5 KB]
1.3 Employment 2018.doc
Microsoft Word document [57.0 KB]
safer recruitment
1.3 Safer Recruitment Policy 2018.docx
Microsoft Word document [20.8 KB]
Induction of employees and volunteers
1.4 Induction of Employees and Volunteer[...]
Microsoft Word document [33.0 KB]
Student placement and volunteers
1.5 Student Placements and volunteers 20[...]
Microsoft Word document [34.0 KB]
Gifts Policy
1.6 Gifts Policy 2018.docx
Microsoft Word document [14.3 KB]
The role of the key person and settling in
1.8 The Role of the Key Person and Settl[...]
Microsoft Word document [37.5 KB]


Health & Safety general standards
2.1 Health and Safety General Standards [...]
Microsoft Word document [76.0 KB]
Risk assessment
2.2 Risk Assessment 2018.doc
Microsoft Word document [42.0 KB]
Fire Safety and emergency evacuation
2.3 Fire Safety and Emergency Evacuation[...]
Microsoft Word document [59.5 KB]
Food Hygiene
2.5 Food Hygiene 2018.doc
Microsoft Word document [50.5 KB]
Admissions Policy
1 Admissions 2018.doc
Microsoft Word document [51.5 KB]
Working in Partnership with other agancies
6 Working in Partnership with Other Agen[...]
Microsoft Word document [49.5 KB]
Planning for children
8 Planning for Children 2018.doc
Microsoft Word document [27.0 KB]
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